Responding and Adapting to Change

Responding and Adapting to Change

Change is inevitable, and although some changes may be positive and enhance your quality of life, other changes can feel like an uncomfortable and stressful process. Resistance to change is understandable, but there are also several ways that you can learn to respond and adapt to change, which can have many benefits and lead to new opportunities. After all, adapting to change is a skill that enables you to approach new situations and challenges as they arise. Someone who can adapt to change accepts these new opportunities and changing situations without hesitation or fear. In most cases, change is out of your control, but how you respond to it is up to you.

There are several fundamental strategies that you can employ to assist you in negotiating and navigating through change successfully:1

Gain an understanding of the emotional stages associated with change – Although change may feel confusing and chaotic, there is a predictable and recognisable way to understand it. The stages of change are often experienced as loss, uncertainty, discomfort, insight, understanding and integration.1 If you persevere through the stages, you’ll start to see the benefits of the change.

Try to keep things in perspective – Developing the ability to maintain a balanced perspective can reduce distractions and manage emotional reactions, enabling you to remain focused on the present moment in your life.1

It’s important to have a purpose – Regardless of the many significant changes and transitions encountered in your life, maintaining a guiding principle rooted in your values and goals is crucial. This sense of purpose is reinforced by fostering an open mind and embracing curiosity about the potential opportunities that change brings. Remaining flexible and motivated will also strengthen your resilience and sustain your perseverance.1

Stay focused – Staying focused on who you are and what you need can be difficult at times, but it’s crucial to identify what is necessary for change to feel fulfilling and meaningful to you. 1

Be persistent when facing change – Change can feel overwhelming, and there may be times when it feels like it’s easier to just give up, but it’s important to keep at it; the outcome or solution you are seeking could be within reach.

There are several strategies that you can utilise to become more effective at adapting to change. Follow these tips to help you navigate and thrive during periods of change:2

Stay positive – Maintain an open mind and cultivate a positive attitude towards changes in your life. Try to reframe any stress or fear by considering these transitions as opportunities for personal growth or skill development. You might discover that what first felt like a challenge or crisis can actually lead to positive change and new opportunities for advancement.

Remember your goals – When confronting or experiencing new challenges, remember your goals, values and aspirations. While change may encourage feelings of discouragement or frustration, it’s important to reconnect with your aspirations and devise a new plan to reignite your determination and progress towards your goals.

Always plan for change – As we already know, change is inevitable and constantly occurring around us. If you anticipate and plan for change, you will be less likely to feel frustrated or stressed when it happens. It’s important to always plan for shifts in life and to expect new situations in your work life too, which leads us to managing change in the workplace.

Learning how to become more adaptable takes time and focus, and for most people, it is an ongoing process throughout their careers. By responding efficiently to changing circumstances and devising solutions for adjustment, you can enhance your effectiveness in the workplace. Mastering this skill can lead to personal growth and open up additional opportunities in your role. But how can we effectively manage change in the workplace?

  • Communication – Make communication a priority in the workplace as it’s the most essential strategy in managing change in any environment.3
  • Involve everyone – Encourage employee involvement in the change process to alleviate feelings of lack of control and to enhance support. Also, engage in discussions with your team to understand their perspectives on the change and offer opportunities for them to contribute to how the team responds and adjusts. Whenever possible, involve the team in reshaping tasks, roles and responsibilities.3
  • Provide and seek support – Everyone has a different level of tolerance and adaptability to change, so it’s important to provide support and seek it when necessary. It’s also important to recognise the common emotional responses that individuals may undergo and tailor your support accordingly. Stay attentive to indications that individuals require additional practical or emotional assistance.

Encourage open communication about their feelings regarding the changes and validate their emotions. Also, ensure that everyone is aware of available support services and how to access them. Lastly, keep in mind that processing change may require time, so be patient throughout the transition.3 Adapting to change in the workplace can help you to become a better leader or employee, enable you to embrace new opportunities, and also improve your mental well-being as changing your perspective on stress, workplace changes, and new situations can enhance your overall wellness.2

If you are having trouble adapting to change, consider reaching out to Teladoc Health for a mental health assessment. If you would like to book a consultation but are unsure if you can access Teladoc Health services, submit a form here, and a Member Engagement Coordinator will respond shortly.


1. Psychology Today

2. MasterClass

3. Australian Government – Comcare

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